Pinwheels for Prevention ® 2023: Building Together

In an effort to celebrate children and their right to grow and learn in safe and nurturing environments, April is Child Abuse Prevention Month. As the Oklahoma Chapter of Prevent Child Abuse America, Parent Promise works with businesses, associations, and organizations each April to raise awareness by honoring Oklahoma’s children with pinwheel gardens throughout the month.

Why Pinwheel Gardens?

In 2008, Prevent Child Abuse America introduced the pinwheel as the new national symbol for child abuse prevention through the annual Pinwheels for Prevention® campaign. By its very nature, the pinwheel represents whimsy and childlike notions. In essence, it has come to serve as the physical embodiment, or reminder, of the great childhoods we want for all children. Additionally, 100 Pinwheels fluttering in the Oklahoma wind are an eye-catching way to emphasize how important and precious our children are.

Children Are Our Future

It is the obligation of everyone to work to protect children and their right to a healthy and safe home environment. In fact, we all have an effect on the lives of children and a responsibility to contribute positively to their childhood. When all children do not have equal opportunity for healthy growth and development, we put our future as a society at risk. The great childhoods we want for our children require a loving and supportive home environment. Children raised in supportive and stable environments are more academically and financially successful, and great childhoods help children grow into productive, contributing adults who help their community and our state be prosperous and competitive in the global economy.

How Can You Help Grow a Better Tomorrow for All Children? One Simple Act . . .

Plant a Pinwheel Garden. The Pinwheels for Prevention® campaign provides a unique opportunity for everyone to take action by learning more about prevention, supporting child and family friendly policies and services, and volunteering at the local, state and national levels. Show your support for your community’s children by planting a pinwheel garden at your place of business, your school, your church or your home. Call Parent Promise today at (405) 232-2500 to reserve your pinwheels for April 2023.

To place an order of pinwheels, use the form below.