First, thank you for your continued support of Parent Promise/Prevent Child Abuse Oklahoma. Because you believe, like we do, that every positive outcome we want in Oklahoma begins with raising healthy and resilient children, we know you are concerned about how vulnerable families and children may be faring during this COVID-19 crisis.
We wanted to update you on what we are doing at Parent Promise to serve our clients. Per Oklahoma State Department of Health protocol, we have temporarily suspended in-home visits. Also, due to Integris Baptist Medical Center protocols that require only essential medical professionals in the hospital, we have also suspended our visits to new families in the Women’s Center.
We are still working to support our families the best way we can. We are making calls to our clients daily and doing “virtual” home visits as we can. At Integris, we are still receiving referrals from the nursing staff and the social services staff. We have made items in our Family Support Center available to our clients on an as-needed basis, and we are still there for them if they have a crisis.
Additionally, we will postpone holding our Family Compass Co-Parenting Classes until further notice.
Due to the protocols on physical distancing for COVID-19, we made the decision to cancel our April 16 fund-raising luncheon, which was to feature Prevent Child Abuse America CEO Dr. Melissa Merrick. The fact remains that we will still need to raise the funds budgeted for this fundraiser in order to support our evidence-based home visiting programs that help vulnerable parents raise children in a healthy and safe environment. The uncertainty surrounding the COVID-19 virus could place extra burdens and stress on the families we support. Therefore, we are working on a Plan B to help us reach our budgeted goals, most likely a virtual fundraiser to take place during April, which is Child Abuse Prevention Month.
thank you for supporting Parent Promise and our families as we go
through these uncertain times. If you have any questions or ideas,
please feel free to reach out to us at any time.